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Sunday, October 23, 2011

57 Funny Job Titles

Job designation is the job appointment location i.e. at what post or level you are appointed at the respective job. In both developed and developing countries different kinds of employment are available depending upon job finder interest and criteria. When we come to the side of funny job designations we can look at our clear way to find a suitable job with handsome package and salary as the associated factor of fun is a creepy way to get out in every intermingling trouble.
These funny job descriptions make you at ease to find out job of your interest, temperament and nature. Regardless of the country and location of the job these funny job designations make you feel comfortable and lead you to get a job in those conditions in which people think impossible to get job of their own choice. Have a look at the following funny job :

  • Misinterpreted the universe – Astronomer
  • Bring a little rain in the life of flood victims: Government Debt Collector
  • Bring a little rain in the life of flood victims – debt collector
  • Have people spend far more than they estimated: Building Inspector
  • Business propaganda feel like truths Popular – TV Director
  • Move things up a hose to another: Microbiologist
  • Make sure that nothing ever happens – IT Security
  • Try not to kill the baby: Housewife
  • They spend most of the day staring out the window – Pilot
  • Interpret the universe: Astronomer
  • Write words that no one wants to read – Technical Writer
  • Be a human napkin: Stay at home mother of three
  • Help people hate each other – Divorce Lawyer
  • Escape and call the police: Security Guard
  • Director of mind and mood
  • Vice President of Cool
  • Chief Imagination
  • Creatologist
  • Intangible asset appraiser
  • Copy and paste the Web: Student
  • Human Relations Specialist (Human Resources)
  • Help people hate each other: Divorce Lawyer (a favorite of Scott Adams)
  • Councillor nutritional intervention (weight loss expert)
  • Stand on a field and get yelled for hours: Baseball J.
  • Rear Vision Engineer (milk replacement windshield)
  • Talk to other people’s sleep: university professor
  • Mechanical Bull Fighting
  • Researcher Placebo
  • The thought police
  • Caffeinator decaf
  • Scientific mapping Dike (Environmental Engineer)
  • To feel bad about their work: Quality Assurance Tester
  • Vice-President is a great
  • Boy Garden – Landscape Executive and Animal Nutrition
  • Cleaner – Office Specialist Hygiene Control
  • Managed Office – Administration Office Facilitator
  • House Maid – the family environment, the maintenance manager
  • Typist – printed document feeder
  • Messenger – Business Communications Conveyer
  • Window Cleaner – A transparent wall technician
  • Ego enhancement consultant
  • Boss Button (transport position)
  • Repeatedly fix what you repeatedly break: IT Director
  • Chief of the imagination (Technology)
  • Christian Life Coach (the Ministry)
  • Skull Grinder – is the person who cleans the ears and the nose points heads pork brains
  • Change Catalyst (Director of company)
  • Chief Evangelist (Financial Services)
  • Engineer VDA (VDA = Visual Display architectural)
  • Synchronicity Integration Specialist (Technology)
  • That accomplishes the dreams (Financial Services)
  • The auditor is a person who arrives after the battle and bayonet all the wounded.
  • A banker is a man who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back when it starts to rain.
  • A teacher is someone who speaks on behalf of another person to sleep.
  • A psychologist is a person who believes that everyone else when a beautiful girl enters the room.
  • A committee is a body that keeps minutes and wastes hours.
  • Cook – Food Preparation Officer
