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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Can you help me

Here in London, approx 10 years ago, two women of my acquaintance, very much my seniors in age, and very class conscious, were working the reception at the Town Hall of one of London's Boroughs...

One day, a man came through the main doors and approached the desk.

" Can you help me ?" Asked the man, a down and out, wrapped in a thick coat, and with a straggly beard.

"Certainly. What seems to be the problem ?" Enquired one of the ladies, trying to keep a distance between herself and the man, due to his odour.

"I'm all itchy ... and can't stop scratching.' He replied.

And with that, he undid his coat and brushed himself off over the counter.

The lady looked down, and saw lice scampering for cover under her paperwork.

It took a cleaning firm two days to fumigate the whole area.